Woodburn Bible Church "Serving the Lord Since 1838"
Woodburn Bible Church"Serving the Lord Since 1838"



1. Persons may become full members of this church in the following way:


By testimony of faith in a meeting with the pastor and the deacons, and declaring that this is the church where God wants them to attend.


2. Members shall be accepted by a vote of the congregation upon recommendation of the deacons. Persons so accepted shall be received in a public service on Sunday. It shall be understood that the members promise each other and God to walk together as Christian brothers and sisters, to support the Church in worship, in servrce and in treasure, of their own free will and out of love for the goodness of God; and to strive always to work for the purity, the peace, and the prosperity of the church. The pastor and deacons are responsible for making this expected promise clear to all who unite with the church.

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